About Me

Hi, I’m Christina Ma, a PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University Human-Computer Interaction Institute, co-advised by Dr. Ken Koedinger & Dr. Sherry (Tongshuang) Wu.

My research interests lay in the intersection of LLM and CS education. I have explored different ways of interaction to minimize risks and maximize the effectiveness of LLM, such as a GPT-based teachable agent to help students learn debugging (HypoCompass, AIED24 Best Paper), and an in-house LLM TA assistant in answering student questions (AI-TA). For details of my recent research projects, check out my publications. Here’s my CV.

The image of me

I got my undergraduate dual degrees of Cognitive Science and Computer Science and a minor in Design for Learning at CMU in 2022. Feel free to explore this website to learn more about my leadership and educational activities, various writing, technology, design & art projects/portfolio, and some fun facts!